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TL:DR - PC started crashing regularly, I thinks I fixed it though.

 I am currently diagnosing a random shut down issue with my PC. Nothing related to the new graphics card, it was happening before. My psu is fine, tested on a multimeter. Quick, full and offline scans came back clean. Currently running check disk and will need to run memory diagnostics. Intel I7 is running nice and cool and I highly doubt mother board issues.

Don't worry too much though, I back up at every release so at worst I lose a week's worth of work. On top of that, programs like Photoshop and unity don't seem to cause the issue and I'm not getting corrupted saves or anything like that.

I actually suspect other software issue  or lack of voltage from the outlet. I plan on a fresh install of Windows on a new hdd soon enough too.

Edit 1: Ram and HDD came back fine. Not experiencing issues that would point to cpu or montherboard so probably a fresh install on a new hdd to see if that works.

Edit 2: I circled back around to psu. Even after blowing it out from the outside there was a stupid amount of dust in there after opening it up. The fan was a bit slow as well, but still working, replaced it anyways. No crashes after making an asphalt texture in Substance Designer and games seem to be stable. It was crashing after 3 to 5 minutes with substance, I was able to run about 30 minutes without issue after. It seems solved, but you never know. 2 days lost but that stuff just kind of happens. At least some work got done.


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