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-Small typo in the image, its 6 classrooms, not 4

The second half of the story update should be out next weekend around the 19th/20th. Just need start implementing and doing QA after we release and can confirm there are no bugs in the last update. Public is usually the ones that catch most of the issues, so I prefer to wait for them. Would be a massive motivation killer if I had a bunch of story implemented only to have to strip it out so I could get a hotfix update happening.

The City, Packwood, the largest city and most dense section of the map is finally done. The team has to QA it, and that will take 1-2 weeks of pretty steady work, but it's just correcting little issues from here. Once we get a solid plan for content in the area we can open it up.
A bit of context on the 260 npcs, the current highest npc count is in Gapers with 70 npcs. There is around 72 interior spaces, be that a houses bathroom all the way up to full classrooms. Gapers is around 30 interior spaces.

And finally lets talk about the shark. We're looking at her release coming in the next 3 updates. Hard to say exactly when I will have her ready and tested, but its not long now. I know its been a bit of a wait, but we wanted to 'finish' a few previous girls (cat, amanita, harpy) and get some story out before I put out another girl. Now that we are there, I can push forward with her and get her released.



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