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I was selected from a waiting list that I signed up for.

While I will technically have my own 1 bedroom place and paying for everything, rent, bills(in my name), everything with my own money, the catch is that I am not the leaseholder, my sister is. I am on the lease as the single occupant.

I am appreciative for her to do this for me, I just wish it ended there. She still wants/needs me to watch her son on the weekends when she works.(She has the 5 days on, 5 days off schedule).

Just wanted to update you bubs, that's all.

Thank you for all of the awesome support. This would be impossible without it.



Aww, almost perfect, but still better than being stuck there all the time, hope the move goes well ^w^


wait what? why? wasn't the point of moving out to not have to deal with your sister being a nuisance?


*bara hugs* Hang in there, bub.


Good luck! Here's hoping eventually you'll be able to be completely independent ^^