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I'm running behind schedule for the months image pack

what i mean I usually have a lot more done by now, it could be art block or feeling like my art ideas in general isn't good enough at times

its half way through the month and i had to cancel a couple commissions and refund the clients because I been stressing and I just had to do that

not internet issues, but Real life issues been kinda pissing me off here and there with terrible sleep patterns and I don't really have much room to complain compared to others of course but we all have our troubles and issues.

 I just need to focus and get everything I have left to do done. 

Thank you so much for the support and I hope you like the next image pack.

Feel free to comment

tell me what you bubs would like to see in the next pack, that could help



Take the time you need to sort things out. Too much stress is not healthy. As for the next pack, I was thinking about orcs for orctober. Hope I could help a bit.


hmm for the next pack more foot focus pls or some tickling X3

Zyggy Stardust

I wish I could stand right beside you at this moment to give you a Real Big Manly Bara Hug!! I believe in you my friend! (on my side Skeletor showing his soles would be awesome) d=^.^=b




With school starting, and "real life" being what it is, it can be a stressful time of year, even if you're not in school! I'd say, take a day (or two!) to get the sleep patterns back in line, that usually helps with everything else. As for whom to see, Kaiger love always welcome, maybe a little competition between him and asterion to see who has the better... horn.


hey man, it is all good. relax if you can. your work is good an worth waiting for.


Thank you. My sleep is almost back to normal. thanks for your input and commenting gin general. I love hearing from you bubs


Don't push yourself too hard,and enough rest is needed to recover your best condition.Hug