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"Sasuke and Sakura First time" wins!

But, this request is a bit ambiguous, it can have infinite possibilities! How would you like it to be? your suggestions will help me draw it :)


Esta petición es un poco ambigua, ¡puede tener infinitas posibilidades! ¿Cómo les gustaría que fuera? sus sugerencias me van ayudar a dibujarla :)




Or maybe she's is taking a bath on a waterfall or a river while they are in the forest and he sees her because he hears that someone is near... He covers her with his cape while he is checking who's over there and when he realizes they're safe, he turns back and sees her all wet and only cover with his cape... Solo they come closer...


If we’re going by the show/book. It was in the woods. Actually talking like real friends do. Slowly opening up to her, and with her permission he asks to kiss her and it builds from there