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Uf, this page look simple... but it took me two weeks to finish it.  Finally I was able to post it

 There will be another page of A.S.P this week  ;)


For those new who have subscribed to tier 1, 3. You can see the previous pages in the "Aratani Shinden Past" tag below


Uf, esta página parece simple... pero me tomó dos semanas terminarla. Por fin, pude publicarla.

Esta semana habrá otra página de A.S.P ;)


Para los nuevos que se han suscrito al tier, 1 y 3. Pueden encontrar las anteriores páginas en la etiqueta "Aratani shinden Past" aquí  debajo.






Damm she take A LOT OF HIS CHAKRA, maybe even a life force from his reaction, "pants" and heavy breath. Still i dont get low right panel.. he pull off his penis? Or just make it more comfortable for his... "domination" XD but for real, looking on his tiredness and for sure internal rage i dont see another round for him :D haha


Yeah, he can't deal with another round. It's on the limit. XD but your doubt will be solved on the next page!