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Request of June!

I has been a very distressing month for me, I had complications after covid that provoqued an infection in part of my face and inflamattion on it, so it delayed me return here. Thanks for your lovely comments, it made me very happy!. But, I'm back with a lot of wishes to draw again. ^^

I hope you like this request of June! August is coming soon


Petición de Junio!

 Ha sido un mes muy angustiante para mi, tuve una complicación muy seria después del Covid, que me provocó una infección con media cara inflamada y retrasó aún más mi regreso por aquí. Gracias por sus bonitos comentarios, me animaron mucho! Pero ya estoy de vuelta y con muchas ganas de dibujar. ^^

Espero les guste su request de Junio! Pronto viene la de agosto




Cuídate!!! Preciosa ilustración 😍


good to hear you are better now! Cant wait for more of your awsome arts, but still take care of herself! Dont try push herselft to hard! Btw. as awleys awsome art ;)


Thanks Matt, luckily the hard part is over, I really wanted to come back here ^^


maybe sasusaku time travel finnaly win in this month XD