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Hey guys, sorry for being so late and the absence with the updates, I've had some family issues this week, resulting in a very big artistic block. But fourtunately they are fixed now, and I've started drawing again.

See you soon! ;)


Hola chicos, perdonen por aparecer tan tarde y la ausencia con las actualizaciones. He tenido algunos problemas familiares esta semana que me bloqueron bastante artísticamente. Pero ya está todo arreglado, y he vuelto a dibujar. 

Pronto nos veremos! ;)




Tomate el tiempo necesario, nosotros esperamos con asia y apoyo para ti, siempre 😊


You see, this is devine punishment for narusaku art :D hahaha but in real, take time. its normal, when some big problems (special with big emotional waight) its take your push do draw, and have fun of this :) So be easy on yourself ;), sometimes its better to take day of "lazyness" to all stress come down, than to push herself and in worst case, lost passion to your hobby, and your awsome arts! as alweys i wait for your work, because its so good ;) greetings


Muchas gracias Nataas :..) por ustedes no voy a declinar nunca


I had a few rough days. I even had a bicycle accident. Fortunately it was a few bruises. When im not okay, this kind of blocks happen. I draw better when im well phisically and mentally. Maybe you're right, and is better to go away a bit to unblock. Thanks Mat :)