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Hey guys, since the month illustrations are for you all, I decided to draw something that you guys want this august. Writte down some ideas you want and Ill choose three , then we will vote which one we prefer to see illustrated.

 Let me know what you think in the comment!


Que tal chicos! ya que las ilustraciones del mes son para ustedes, he decidido dibujar para el mes de agosto una petición suya. Escríbanme en los comentarios de abajo que les gustaría ver ilustrado. De ahí elegiré 3 de sus recomendaciones y votaremos para ver cuál petición es ilustrada. :D

Me gustaría saber sus deseos, compártanmelos!



I love this!! I’d love some cute SSS family shot, like the three of them (something cute and wholesome). Maybe even with a new lil addition to the family 😉


Yes! I think another Uchiha baby with the SS family would be amazing! Or even Indra and Aratani with their baby reflected with SasuSaku and their baby. <3