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Don´t  do  it  :(




So this is was Indra saw. A total despair. A broken girl, who i asume try kill herself (she look beaten... maybe even a victim of... ehhh molest or rape ( I HOPE NOT dammm!). Still now i want to know how you plan explain why Indra will save her./ stop her from anyting reckless. (technically he shuld not care, but i can asume, pain in her eyes/ body language, maybe make him remember his past? Ashura? Maybe even his mother, who die in childbirth of Ashura?) I cant wait for more!!!!!! greetings and as alweys great art!


You'll know about all of that pretty soon! Thanks for the support and th comments ! Always a good read :3


This is already so good, I can't wait for the next installment!