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Uuf! This page took me a while, but here is the result! I hope you like ^^  Thanks for all the support you all are giving me, love you all! 


Uuf! esta página me costó algo de tiempo, pero aquí está el resultado! espero les guste ^^ Gracias por todo el apoyo que me están dando, los quiero!




Naruto is like - Look, its not like i dont like your both and drama of your feelings... but damm, go start fu.cking and make a family, because now i feel old... BTW. I want be a uncle Kakashi in backgorund - YEAH! I AGREE i want some sasusaku stuff! Sakura - SHUT UP! Sasuke somewhere in the wild - YEAH SHUT UP!


"Kakashi in backgorund - YEAH! I AGREE i want some sasusaku stuff!" hahahahaha!! I love Kakashi.


Love your art work and the story! Can't wait for the moment when Sasuke and Sakura meet each other


Thanks for following me and being my patreon! And that moment will come with time :)