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Hey everybody,

I'd like to share the new background art for the MC's room in the evening.

Now, I know we're all here for the lewd stuff, and I'm not gonna lie, drawing backgrounds isn't something I enjoy the most, and I prefer to draw the actual sex stuff instead (can you blame me?) but I've come to realize that good background art can really enhance the whole gaming experience, and while working on EYF I didn't pay enough attention to the backgrounds. With the new game, I've challenged myself to change that and give the backgrounds in the game some love and attention they deserve :)

I really hope you like the result and if there is something that you think could make the art better, please share your thoughts with me <3

PS. The room is quite "girlish" as MC is moving into the couple's daughter's old room after she moved out. But I'm not sure if I should make it even more girlish to make him more uncomfortable about it :)




Needs to be more girly imo 😉 art looks great though keep it up👍


Thank you :3 I tried to strike a balance with the room's ambience since the girl who lived there, who has moved out now, was growing older (old enough to live separately from her parents), and it wouldn't feel quite right if it appeared overly 'girly.' However, I'm considering adding some wall signs or posters to infuse a touch of femininity without going overboard. I'll play around with it and see if I can enhance the room further :)


That sounds perfect to me, just a little touch more not overly so, looking forward to it😁


Looks good, could take some more details though. Reminds me a bit of EYF rooms and backgrounds. And it would be a nice addition if the backgrounds changing accordingly to the Level of feminization.


Art looks great, but wouldn't have known it was a girl's room if you hadn't said anything, sort just looks like everyone's spare room. Maybe some "hot boy"/boy band posters, fair lights are normally a good go to. I'm not saying "MORE PINK!MORE FRILLS! MORE PRINCESSES!" just make it look more lived in and less of an empty uni dorm advertisement.


This a cool idea, sort of buying accessories for the room as MC progresses like you would clothing.


It is not a girls room in the first place, it is a boys room going to be feminized. You need to differentiate


They literally said you're moving into the couples daughter's room as she's just moved out... You need to read captions.


Looks great! tho I have to agree with Closet, it doesn't look girly at all at the moment and honestly I don't mind, but I'd also love to have the room change together with MC according to their femininity


I personally really like the look of the room since it kinda feels like someone moved but left all of the bigger stuff in the room. I will say it would be nice to be able to add things to the room like nothing major just a few knick knacks and baubles to make it feel more lived in. Maybe the things you collect can kinda just be auto added depending on the choices that you make in the story.


I think it's unreal! you're talented! needs posters of sexy men on the walls or maybe an option to do that along the story


Definitely make it girlier.


Kinda looks like a hotel room. Needs more personal items and posters and decorations. Stuffies and ruffles if a girl’s room


it's more a pic right after the player moves in, so it's supposed to be quite empty, but I think I'll add the possibility to customize it a little and buy some stuff to decorate, and as the story progresses items will be added to the room to make it even girlier