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I'm very excited to show you the new main character <3

I hope you like him




I like this handsome guy :)

Steve Lally

You could narrow his hips and add body hair🤔


I've already added body hair for him later to remove it ;) But decided to post without it as he's more cute when smooth :3 Also, the hips are intentionally wide, so he's more feminine from the start as there would be no way to make them wider later as this game will be in a more realistic universe than EYF


I am super excited for this one, keep the hard work!! :D

Steve Lally

Hormones can add weight to the hips and waist training accentuate will add to the illusion 😁


True, but it would also complicate stuff, as all the clothes would have to be redrawn after the hormones to fit the broader hips :)

Steve Lally

Yes obviously the development would be slower. But you will be doing that for hair, boobs and make up?


Very cute boi, looking forward to the project, although dreading the wait between updates as always XD. Also I'm curious do you already have the story planned out or are you just gonna make it up as you go along with votes from patreon and such? I'm asking because I felt EYF suffered after a few updates from a lack of direction and while it's great to have patreons get to influence the next parts of the game, it really just ends up making things feel random and out of place without a good direction the story is going in. I know a lot of people don't feel this way but for me context and plot are just as important to a good scene as the scene/activity itself.

Mind Geed

... again missed the chance to implement heels into the game ...


Thank you :3 I Can't agree more with you; it was a huge problem for EYF, and I feel like the game really suffered because of this and became quite a mess because I was just adding stuff on top of the previous update without any general plan/scenario. That is why I didn't rush this one, and I have 150-200 events already planned out for the new project and a general scenario for the whole game :)


I felt the same way pretty much, a great start but suffered from a lack of structure later on. Good to hear you have events planned out. I do hope in this version you stick to a more linear route; I mean of course have some options, but don't go too hard on multiple paths to start. Go all in on one route and finish that up, then once that route is totally completed focus on a different one. of course, content within each route can/will vary, but ultimately, I think if the game was structured better around making progress on one idea it would be better for you and the game in the long run since you won't be bouncing between routes and getting overwhelmed/confused. Though work on different routes whenever you feel at risk of getting burnt out. (Structure the game like you're making completely different games with each route you take essentially, for instance for a full sissy route work on that route like it's, its own game and finish it. Then once that route is finished go back to a part where it branches into a different route and finish that one. Keep building the tree branch by branch and things will be a lot less messy and look a whole lot better.) Looking forward to the first release, hope there's some anal for our Boi sooner than EYF, XD Jk. :)


Yeah, I was actually thinking of reworking EYF completely at some point to give the story purpose and a feeling of real progression with the events. So the stuff there has major meaning, not just to unlock the next event. With the new one, I think the main story will be linear-ish instead of having multiple routes/branches, but I want the individual events to have many variations, like 3-6 for most of them (which would bring variation and still let players choose different styles of how to play, different personality for the main character that suits them best) and the ability to progress the relationships with different characters at different speeds (so if you don't progress with one of the characters if you don't like them won't lock you out of new content), but I'll still need to figure out how to do it best. But the good news is that it has been done before, at least in a couple of games that I know of. As for the anal for our boi lol, I think I'll take some time before letting that happen, as I feel like EYF progressed a bit too quickly, and there is a lot of good content that was missed in the early game because of that. As anal sex is quite a big step/decision, and there is a lot of stuff a person could do before taking such a big step :) PS. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas about this; I really appreciate it, and it helps a lot &lt;3


No problem, glad to see you have a plan and are looking forward to your next project. (I for one would love a EYF rework at some point. Maybe update character art as well, but only after you finish it so people who like the art/story can have that complete game without it feeling abandoned.) Also yeah I agree anal is a big step and that build up to it is what makes sissification games great, good luck! Knew you were a special dev when I saw that demo for EYF, looking forward to seeing you continue to grow :)


Pleeease tell me we get to paint his nails


That is so sweet, thank you :3 And a huge thank you for supporting me during these years &lt;3