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Hey everybody,

Sorry, I've been away for a while, and I wasn't posting much. I've been going through the most challenging period in my life lately and was on the verge of suicide.

But I'm better now and getting back on track, and I plan to bring a lot of content for you to enjoy this year :3

Thank you for your support <3



I hope you are well. All the best to you. I will be waiting news from you.


Stay strong. Having someone to talk to even in struggling time can do more than you can expect.


Good to Know you better now take your time


Stay strong and take your time, happy to hear youre doing better


Happy new year, i love the game and will love any content from you 😃🥳


Ohha, hoffe es geht dir gut. Bleib stark und ich freue mich auf die Inhalte 🥰 und gutes Neues


Happy New Year. I love your game. Be strong and have a good year. All the best wishes to you.


Warte, er ist deutsch? Hab gehört, er ist Ukrainer


🙈 ups ja er ist Ukrainer. Weiß net ob er deutsch versteht, aber schreibe momentan mit so vielen deutsch das ich es irgendwie net gerafft habe Englisch zu schreiben 😂

Eric V

Mental health is as important as physical health. Tale care of yourself. Dont give up. We dont know you, but know that you are appreciated through your work and that to us you are important. Havé à better 2023.


Welcome back. We all look forward to all the new content. Just know you have a community that loves and cares for you.


Glad to hear your still with us and we understand mental health is something we should be aware of and hope a new year will be better for you

Jonny Boy NY

Life is priceless, no matter the challenges. Stay strong in your heart and all that you are. You will overcome whatever life throws your way. So never give up on yourself! Sending much love, and wishing you strength and happiness. God Bless. :-)


I am glad to hear youre doing better