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If this was an option, would you prefer Earn Your Freedom to be a linear visual novel so you don't have to look for the new events each time the update is out or would you prefer it to be a sandbox game like it is now?



Always linear. Nowadays I wouldn't play EYF anymore because it's a sandbox


Like it is now is great, with one 'main' path to follow that you can use to get through the story, and mltiple side-paths with possibly more extreme content that the player can progress at their leisure (i.e. the hu-cow farm, boss' secretary, the sissy school, the gym, etc, etc...)


Please add a gallery


it's already in the game, you can access it from MC's room, by pressing the button "scenes" in the low right corner ;)

Jayden A.

I like it the way it is, but would help to have a clearer view of the different paths. Like a "quest" system that would tell you what you need to do for certain events in the game, or for you to stay in your current chosen path

Jacob Baker

Wat'z linear do they mean Linux if so I am all for it


I think that quest list idea has potential maybe a simple an open quest


Oops, Was saying, maybe just a simple list of open quests with a hint as to where it was last left hanging?