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thank you all for your support, I'm safe right now with a small part of my family outside of Ukraine

but unfortunately, so many people are trapped there without any option to leave

if you would like to help those who are there, the Red Cross organization & Doctors Without Borders are working to help in Ukraine

if you have the possibility to donate to those organizations, I'm sure even a dollar would be a huge help

stay safe



Great to hear you made it out alright. Stay strong in these tough times


Glad to hear you and your family are safe. Hope this night are will be over soon! This is so fucked up. :-(


Glad to hear you are safe! Thank you for having such a huge heart! 🥰 please stay safe

Jacob Baker

I only speak for a little bit of everyone when I say we are all glad you have arrived safely and everything is going great and I speak for myself now is hope everything is going to go back to the way it was with this war going on or what not


I was already pissed off about the whole situation, but knowing someone it affects directly just pisses me off more. Please stay safe