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Hey everybody,

At some point in the future the game will be splitting in the different paths depending on your choices and your play style and will take you to different game endings. I've already started working on introducing some of those paths and I'm curious what are the endings that you'd be most interested in? Here are some of the options for the game endings that I thought about... (but I might include some other endings too or some of these won't be included). You can choose multiple options.

If you have any ideas about some other endings that I didn't include, feel free to share your ideas in the comments and they might end up in the game ;)



I would love 3 or 4.


Double ending : becoming a woman and then sold as slave :p


Maybe marry Ashley but you both stay on as whores or start your own sissy porn/camgirl enterprise


I love the "become someones pet" one. Im surprised it doesnt have more votes. Id also like to suggest a "become a toilet" type ending. where you get chained up in a bathroom and get used as a cumbucket and urinal. but i like alot the ones you already came up with. I voted for many of them


I've always liked to think that MC becomes Lea from My New Girlfriend. Both games are in the Sissyverse :D I love most of them and voted for like half of them. It's easier to just list those I don't like: - Return to normal life - Get everyone arrested - Become a real woman - Becoming Erica's test subject I also feel like some of them are redundant or could be grouped together. For example "become ultimate sissy-slut and stay in the brothel forever" and "brainwashed by hypno, stay there as a mindless fuck toy" don't look that different from each other to me.


That already exists, kind of, when you miss paying rent a second time.


I agree with Ker that some endings seem pretty redundant. For example "becoming Erika's sex test subject" and "brainwashed by hypno" would perfectly fit together in one ending in my opinion. Also "revenge on Alex, stay as mistress", "revenge on Tom" and "become a sexy dominant shemale" would fit in one hell of a route (with together over 130 votes). At the beginning the main character would learn how to become a dominant shemale by dominating Tom and his old flame (please don't forget to include her). The domina would instruct him and help him to discover his dominant side. The culumination of this route would be getting revenge on Alex.


yeah you become a gloryhole but i was hoping for more of a toilet/urinal situation. Maybe the boss's personal urinal.


I also think that there should be an Alex "Love-route". My "vision" of such an ending encompasses to an extend the endings "pay your debt, stay as Alex's fuck toy", "get sold as sex slave", "return to normal life" and "stay as sissy". In a "Love-route" our hardboiled Alex would slowly discover/develop some feelings for our wimpy sissy-slut. Certainly not by becoming full lovey dovey with the player character but perhaps by giving him some unexpected breaks (she's a callous slut after all). That part should be done pretty carefully. Our player character would also develop some feelings for Alex.


Can't write my proposal for an ending because of the shitty spam-filter. Thats annoying. Well I will post it as a message under community.


I would like to have an ending where we become Alex's private little bitch


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Yeah, some of them will probably get grouped :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Yeah, some of them will probably get grouped :)


That's actually a cool idea! I'm also thinking about Naomi helping MC with all of that and teaching MC being confident and dominant


Well, it seem like you can read thoughts. I actually wanted to suggest that to you. ;) Maybe Naomi admires the player characters increased and cute penis (but still a bit on the small side for a real man) after a sweaty sex session. To which the player character would reply that it is still not much use for anything. Naomi would scold the player that it is the technique that matters as long as you have something to work with (which the player now has). She would then suggest to the player that she can teach him how to top if he satisfies her first. So she would first fuck him and demonstrate her technique and then it is the players turn. After several tries he would succeed and Naomi would have an anal orgasm (Maybe shooting the cum on her own face followed by a sperm filled kiss).


Since you start developing the endings may I humbly suggest that you keep the routes open as long as possible. I am personally really feed up with vn-style games that force you onto a certain path early on and hence you miss out on a lot of content. Therefore you have to play the game several times from the beginning to get all the content (often not possible without walkthrough). I think for visual novel style games that may be technical necessary but not for a sandbox game like yours. In fact it would deprive your game of one of its strenghts I think. Ideally I would like to unlock the different endings consecutively then save and select the different endings so I don't have to play again from the beginning. Maybe for some endings you have to lock the player in at a certain point (so that it makes sense story-wise), but I would suggest to do that as late as possible. Also I don't know if you plan to make the penis-size increase/decrease event a point where the player gets locked out of some routes. If so, I would suggest to make this event reversible. It's for example story-wise totally reasonable that the player decides that he doesn't want an increased penis (because it hurts so much in the small chastity cage for example ;)) and decides too shrink it again (so the other routes would open up again).


At the moment I have a lot of time and a deviant mind, so I hope you will forgive me if I send you another proposal for an ending. Since the "go back to normal life" ending seems to be far behind the other endings I think it's time to spice it up a bit. How about we make "go back to normal life and become Naomi's boyfriend/secret girlfriend" out of it? The ending would be unlocked after completing Naomi's sex training. It is a (happy) ending where the parties would be on somehow equal footing. I imagine the ending as follows: Our hero was able to pay back his debts (and the debts of his "family") by whoring himself out at the brothel. We follow him as he walks back from work (some regular shit job) clothed in manly clothes. Somehow he is frustrated with his current life situation, although he doesn't miss to be regularly raped and fucked at the brothel (thinking that at least he got a bigger cock out of the whole endevour). Something is missing. He is in an inner conflict with himself and misses his female side which he denied since leaving the brothel. He is horny as fuck and needs release (either by fucking someone or getting a hard cock in the ass). He walks through the railway station in a stupor to catch his train home. Suddenly he glimpses someone he thinks he knows. It's Naomi. Naomi also recognizes him and a happy reunion follows. They embrace and kiss each other after that she asks him what he does here and why he isnt't at the brothel anymore. He answers her questions still locked in embrace with her. Suddenly they realize that their hard dicks are sandwiched against each other only separated by their clothes. Naomi asks him if he thinks the same as she, which he affirms. They look for a calm spot and end up in the toilet of the railway station. There our horny main character deciding to take the dominant role bows Naomi over the toilet fucking her hard in her ass. Naomi on her knees with her head over the toilet and her hard big dick helplessly flopping between her legs can't believe how sex-starved her mate is. They come together with the main character shooting his load in her ass and she wasting her load on the dirty floor. Fast forward three months. Naomi sits naked at the breakfast table enjoying her meal and calls out "Where's the orange juice, (female name of player character)?" Now the big entrance of the player character follows. We see the player character in sexy white lingery with high heels on and in a white garter belt without panties sporting a rock hard erection. He answers "Right away, mistress" and seductively bows in front of the kitchen counter to get the orange juice from the cupboard below the counter. He wiggles his ass seductively in front of Naomi and playfully present her his little asshole and cock and balls. Naomi isn't going to miss out on that chance and gets behind the pc to forcefully fuck him in the ass. They again cum together, her in his ass and he on the kitchen floor. After that the pc collapses exhausted onto the kitchen floor a puddle of his cum between his legs and Naomi's cum dripping out of his asshole. Naomi playfully scolds him what a mess he made ("bad sissy"), to Naomis surprise he boldly bows down and begins to lick up his mess (satisfying his inner sissy). After that Naomi reminds the main character (still on his knees with his cum smeared around his mouth) that next time it's his turn to give it to her good suggesting that their planned romantic dinner at a noble italian restaurant this evening would be a good time. She further reminiscents about their last date there and how he expertedly fucked her throat under the table. The player character would happily aggree to put her through her paces. Then after a short silence the mood somehow gets tense and awkward. The player character is still on his knees in front of Naomi but the otherwise self-assured amazon suddenly seems vulnerable. He asks her what the matter is. She awkwardly asks him when he plans to tell his "family" about their betrothal to which he answers next weekend. Not satisfied with the answer Naomi clumsily tells him that they don't have to tell them if he is ashamed to introduce her (his girlfriend with a big bit extra;)) to his "family". Maybe he would be embarassed because she is not a "real" woman. The player character can't believe what he hears and quickly jumps to his feet and seizes Naomi by her shoulders looking her straight in the eyes. He tells her that she is all the woman he ever needs, loves her exactly how she is (with big dick and all) and would never be ashamed to present her as his girlfriend. On the contrary he is very proud to be able to call her his girlfriend. Naomi is deeply moved and the player character would forcefully pull her in to give her a deep kiss with his cum-stained lips which she hungrily reciprocates. ...and they lived happily ever after. The end.


Please don't worry about all of that, I completely agree with you and I plan to make the endings separation as late in the game as possible and a lot of choices reversible as that was one of the main ideas when I decided to create this game, to give players a lot of choices and possibility to explore events in the game without worrying too much about the consequences of every decision :) As the game development progresses, players should feel more and more free to explore and play through different events with different approach depending on the mood


I really appreciate your ideas, they are so so good! So please, feel free to share any of them with me! The more the better :) I really loved reading this one, felt really wholesome :) Now I really want to add it to the game too. It would make the "go back to normal life" ending so much better! Thank you :)


The topic seems to be covered above me but I honestly love all of these ideas if combined to create a possible ending from you escape, become mistress and get revenge over Alex and Tom, stay submissive, get sold and so forth. No matter what happens I know it will be great because the game is awesome and engaging. I will say the one thing I do hope is you allow the punishment wall that creates a game ending status to be a daily working area. Rather than the gloryhole you can make more money at the wall. That and have more interactions with your family, from sweet and sad to dark and kinky. Keep it up!!!


I would love an ending where she would become the personal slut of the brothel's boss :) Well In would love any new scene involving him to start with :)


I am happy that you like my ideas. It encourages me to write them down. Please use them to your heart's content :). I can't wait to see how you intergrate some of them into the game (the more the merrier ;)). I have two or three hot and uncommon scenes (at least I think that they are hot) worked out in my mind. I will post them under community because I think the text may be too long for the comments. Feedback for the scenes would be appreciated. Thanks.


Thank you, I really appreciate that you like it :) I'm planning to add more content with the butt-wall and might make it more like a regular job for the MC in the future updates


That's a good idea, completely forgot about him lol. I think I'll add something like that


I think you need to have multiple options that stack or destroy each other based on your decisions, I think you are currently writing it with a 2 path view when you could allow for almost all the choices listed and have them mix and match with a 3 path system that allows not only dominant and submissive but a switch where some are above you and some below allowing for greater variety in playthrough repeatability.


damn so many good options there