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She is not the character I was talking about in the post "redrawing a character" but I've decided to redraw her too as there are some scenes coming with her in the next update. Hope you'll like her new look :)




I think that those eyes are to far away from each other, but othervise good.


I love the new drawing style, it's a significant but subtle improvement from every other character in the game. Especially the nose. Can't wait for the upgrade! Is it going to be too much work to update existing drawings to fix this? At least the noses, most scenes (especially sideways ones) won't have to change. Otherwise it might stand out.


Thank you for noticing! Can't believe that I didn't notice it myself, they were so far away from each other lol I hope she looks better now


That's very nice of you to say that, thank you :) I don't plan to change all the art in one go, but I plan to take some of the old stuff and rework it with each update, so I can create new stuff as well as improve the old drawings at the same time. And the other reason for me not to rework it in one go is that I try to improve my drawings now and trying new technics so if I rework all of the art now and learn how to do it better a bit later, I'll need to redraw it again some time in the future as I want everything to be on the same level


oh awesome you made a sophie <3


Yay for maids 💖😁