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I was going to try to do a five-page comic this month and, while I finished the script and the layouts, I just couldn't really focus on it. I was hoping it would help me get past this creative block I've had with comics for a while but it didn't work. I think I'm just feeling too intimidated by that type of project right now. Maybe I'll try to develop some simple one-page comics later to rebuild up my confidence in the format.

In the meantime, I don't want to just stay stuck on something that isn't working out so I'm going ahead with some new single-image work.



whatever you do, we are happy to see it.


Your comics are awesome <3 I will wait patiently when you are ready to show us your work :)


I have to agree your comics are great, but if it is not working, it is not working. Patience they say is a virtue


Sounds like you have a solid plan, Dov. I hope you can get past your creative block. You had some great ideas for the comic, and I'll happily wait until you're ready to tackle it.