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"I just know that you'll be legend at the party! With how you amazing you look, every virgin is going to want to get the horn!"

This was drawn based on a suggestion from TheMaskedOne for the "Trick or Treat" theme.




New favorite piece of all time!!! I’m curious, are his hands secured tightly in the hooves or can he toss them off to get a drink at the party ;)


I don't get it, why " peincess Aurora and a unicorn" would be a "legendary couple" but, his costume looks fabulous, in every color variation :D Awesome pic


I know it's a bit of a stretch but it's because unicorns are a legend. Also, it's not specifically meant to be Aurora.


That's absolutely true, unicorns are legendary 😁 Ah, the costume she looked like it, sorry


Absolutely gorgeous! Did you know Scotland's national animal is the unicorn? Might be a good excuse for me to be one at Halloween ;)

Jenny North

Well, legend or no, I'm pretty sure it's not just the virgins who are going to want to catch this unicorn! Though it's his own fault for going to the party as such a horny girl. :) I love the pic...and the contrast between her princess costume and his sexy raver girl outfit is terrific!


Love how gay this race unicorn looks with all the rainbow! I’m sure she’ll be attracting a lot of attention