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The number one most common request I have gotten on my artwork has always been "I wish that could be me." I heard you and now it can be!

This is a webcam avatar which you can use with FaceRig with the Live2D DLC (available from Steam). You can use it for all your webcam roleplay funtimes!

Use the attachment download link to download the avatar data in a ZIP file. Installation instructions are in the README in the ZIP file.

(A month from now, I'll upload it to the Steam Workshop for FaceRig so, if you're viewing this after December 21st, you can get it there for easier installation.)

This was my first time making a FaceRig avatar so it was a lot of trial and error. That means there's no process post this time because I barely know what I'm doing with Live2D and FaceRig so I'm not skilled enough to explain how to do it, yet.



(R)Owen(a) Hero

I haven't used face rig in ages, I am so using this


Very cool.


Omg this is amazing! Gonna have so much fun with this! :D Thank you so much! :D