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I'm still trying to draw one more pic for July's theme but, I wanted to get started early on getting suggestions for my next theme which will be: "Maid A Mistake"

This was suggested by hayleyh for July's theme and I just really liked the pun.

And there's a lot of different ways you could go with that suggestion so comment below with your ideas for something that would fit the pun "Maid A Mistake".

It could be you made a mistake and now you're a maid. Or this maid has made a mistake. Or someone made a mistake with a maid. Or it was a mistake to make this person a maid. Or someone mistook this maid for a different maid. Anything with a maid and a mistake will work.

I'm going to have to skip the sketch stream this month (because of technical problems with my tablet monitor not working in extended display) so, instead, we'll get all the suggestions here, I'll pick the best ones, then we'll do a poll to decide which of those will get drawn.

I'll accept new suggestions for "Maid A Mistake" until midnight on July 31st.


Jared Stanley

The loser of a bet has "Maid a mistake" and now has to be someones busty maid.


In the future you can pay for specialist knowledge to be uploaded directly into your brain, allowing you to become an instant expert in something if only for a short period. What if, instead of mechanic, he mistakenly selected maid (erotic roleplay)...

Connar Woodhead

"Maid a Mistake" on test or school project and is now the class maid


Grabbed the wrong costume for some sexy roleplay, and so the husband is the maid and the wife the master.


I like to imagine that some guy couldn’t afford to pay for his stay at some sleezy motel. So naturally the owner decides to make him work off his debt as a maid instead of calling the cops. He could potentially have a chain that connects him to the room service cleaning carts that keeps him from running off. Or maybe he learns why you should always knock before entering a room...

Rob the Hungry

Sleepy guy rushes to get dressed and doesnt realise his mistake until he is already on the bus


May I suggest this, in Japan they have maid café. Women serve customers while wearing maid uniforms. You could do it so he applies for a job without realising it's a maid café and he has to wear a sexy maid outfit and serve.


An "instant made service" is ordered but the customer ends up dressed as a very very fetishistic maid. (Could use toys).... Or.... Someone hires a maid successfully but she bumped his default auto stylist machine's settings while he's grooming/styling his hair and face.


Always appreciate a typical factory malfunction, ideally with conveyors


Mother is mad at her son for not cleaning his room and the son is very rude maybe pushes her out of the way and says for her to get a maid to do the cleaning that its not his job. Then maybe the next frame have him dressed in the most frilly fem maid outfit with some marks on his bottom and a sexy Domme with a cane or whip with a logo on her uniform saying Maids-R-Us or something. Mother then saying something like your right I should have got a maid years ago.


In the foreground or to one side we see a maid reading a script or practicing some lines, generally looking excited and happy. In the other area is a group of ladies and who look somewhat annoyed by the maid and remarking that they never thought he would take the part and be so good at it. maybe another lady is saying that part was meant for her.


Since I’m a fan of your “maid factory/assembly line” images, I’m going to suggest a worker at said factory accidentally gets caught up in the assembly line.


This is obvious! But cute too, love a guy looking down at how he looks and surprised <3 So, someone made a mistake, mistaking him as the new maid, so he was prepared and gotten ready for a latex maid job, maybe even getting a body suit, inflatable too to add in cute tight tits~ It's a Royal setting, so mansion/rich surroundings. Maybe even a frilly maid outfit <3

Phillip Kettless

Wrong keys for a locking maids outfit?


What about another shrink doll one !!!!


Love the theme! Wanted to enter a suggestion that a sissy is locked in a inflatable maid suit with an assignment to clean the house, but they tripped the controls overinflating it and making it very difficult to get done.


How about a trio of brand new sissy maids, fresh out of training and undergoing an inspection by a strict manager? They've got their uniforms perfect, their hair and makeup exactly right, all in order. Except... One of them has very stiff bulge in her panties. Unacceptable! Even if the mistake is a mistake she can't help making because all the frills and satin and lace feel sooo nice...

Giga Unghia

This is probably more cliché, but something like a maid for some royals accidentally (or “accidentally) dressing the prince in his sister’s clothes for a ball?


A boy is stuck in japan and needs money to get home, he stops at a cafe before opening seeing a help wanted sign, thinking he just be in the back cooking he signs a contract to work there not knowing it was a maid cafe~


Maybe a sissy maid holding a tray with an oversized butplug and a mistress saying:"You thought the butplug you choose was for our guest, but you are wrong Fifi. It is for you."


Man rents a Hypno-maid for the weekend, but when the company comes to pick the maid up, maybe they should have done more of a check that they are definitely taking back the same maid they dropped off....