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"What's that? No, I haven't seen the best man."

When I got the idea for this one, I thought it might make a fun idea for a longer story. But I turned it down as a comic idea because I couldn't think of a way to work in a sex scene that wouldn't be completely extraneous the plot.

I imagined that she's been pulling this con from one city to the next. She assumes a fake name, seduces someone rich sucker, and then substitutes the best man in her place and runs off with the wedding gifts and cash. Nobody's looking for her because everyone assumes that the best man was the thief. By the time the police catch on, she's been pulling this job for years. I imagined a scene where, after she's caught and her scheme revealed, she's being lead to the courthouse in handcuffs as an angry crowd shakes their fist and, in that crowd, a dozen angry "women" who look exactly like her. Epilogue: Most of the marriages survived. They just wanted the money back.




I really really love this over. The mask sends it overboard in sexiness and I hope we get more


Tons of great detail in this. The picture itself tells a story.


really like it. keep up the great work


The bride to be could have lured the best man into her trap using a sexual encounter. That would have been a decent way to work in a sex scene


Not if she is in the middle of putting the bodysuit on him and as it turns out has lesbian tendencies which is why she never sticks around for the marriages... I just think this is one of the best story ideas of all time and I'm sad it isn't going to happen


I could see the hypnosis wearing off during the wedding night in the middle of anal,(which the hypnosis made "her" suggest). Or maybe wearing off just before the groom thrusts in. But just as "she" tries to say something, the groom gets down to business and she's overwhelmed by the pleasure.

Jenny North

If you want something more kinky and organic to the story, maybe it's a "graduation ceremony" of sorts where she has him hypnotized but he's still fighting it? She then takes him somewhere to have sex with a guy because it'll break his spirit and she can leave certain in the knowledge that he won't escape the hypnosis for months, at least, giving her time to set up shop someplace new...


Make please a continue 🙏🏽