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My next Sketch Session will be on Saturday, April 3rd at 2PM Pacific time.

This month's theme is "April Fools!"

All suggestions must be in the form of speech that I can put in a word balloon in the scene and it must start with the words "April Fools!"

I will post the URL when I am ready to start.

If you won't be able to join me for this stream, please post your suggestions as comments on this post. And please feel free to make multiple suggestions.



Honestly, I wonder if we can even top that epic April Fools wedding pic from a few years back... ...well, I will come back with an attempt, soon

Phillip Kettless

I loved your hypnotised sissy wedding picture. Maybe one in a similar vein with the issy in another bondage wedding outfit with the girls locking the mittens on and putting a gag in her mouth all crying out April Fool its not a Fancy Dress party its your wedding day.


Here’s mine: “April Fools! The boss isn’t coming over for dinner, but I think I’ll keep you this way for just a while longer.”


ive got a few the first is "April fools that isn't lube", "April fools your new office role of rubber maid wasn't a joke", and "April fools the mob isn't after you".

Happily Anonymous

“April Fools! There *wasn’t* a sting operation after all!” (An undercover cop idea!) “April Fools! The camera had no film all along!” (A horrified sissy realizing their blackmail was a farce!) “April Fools! The real key isn’t in *those* Easter eggs!” (A switcharoo involving a dummy chastity key hidden during an Easter egg hunt! Provides an opportunity for a bunny girl/Easter crossover!) “April Fools! It’s *your parents* that are coming over tonight!” (A sissy hubby is mortified to find out the guests he just prepared a feast for- or alternatively a wonderfully kinky evening for- are none other than his unsuspecting mom and dad! Bonus points if they’re being ushered through the door by a delightfully devious domme wife!) “April Fools! I’m *not actually* a lesbian!” (A sissy is floored to find out that his crush he just primped himself up for isn’t actually the sexual orientation she led him to believe! I think surgical alterations- like implants- would make this a lovely scene as well! You could even stage the scene outside of a plastic surgeon’s office as the newly made woman is leaving!) “April Fools, huh? Well, let’s see who’s laughing after this...” (A look of peril washes across a jokesters face as he realizes it *probably wasn’t* the best idea to catfish his bully... and get dolled up to meet in person... and let him take you out to dinner... and only reveal the punchline when they’re back at his place.)


"April Fools! The stripper is actually your best man!" (Bride-to-be decides to get invested in the organization of her loving groom's bachelor party)


I think Dov sketched out a concept similar to this that never got refined and colored. Except I think it was the groom who was forced to be the stripper for his own bachelor party instead of the best man. I'd be very interested to see at least some iteration of this idea!


April fools! Today wasn't "dress as a person of the opposite gender you admire most" day.


April fools Your fake contract as a sissy maid at a gorgeous Mistress wasn’t for a day it was for life as a window model 🙀 the horror and many people watching from outside including his wife and girlfriends


April Fools: 1. Twin siblings trick sisters boyfriend with feminized version of her brother to make him think she was a boy all along. 2. Sister pranks brother while he sleeps by putting on make up, a wig, nails and takes a photo and posts it online. 3. Mom pranks sons by making him join a fake pretty princess fashion show. 4. Friends decide to break into the sissys house dressed as swat to scare him and they catch him all dolled up. and the sissy tries to play it off as an april fools joke. 5. Dom pranks sissy with the key to his locks in a huge jello mold.


"April Fools, You didn't sign up for basic you signed up to be a military personnel moral booster. " , "April Fools, the makeover wasn't free, you just got the uniform for your new job."


"April Fools!" shouted the serpentine sissy, while she was being spring-launched from an economy-sized "can of nuts". "Apriw Foows! Waihhht, this iwn't my wife's owwffice..." said the confused sissy, who thought it would be hilarious to mail herself to her wife at work inside a box with the logo of The Inflatable Sex Doll Company on the side... and thought it would be even funnier if she was dressed up like a full latex sex doll, with a ring gag in her mouth and an "inflation nozzle" you-know-where... but this looked much more like a fraternity party...


A husband in the bathroom after a little sissy fun roleplay with his wife try to remove stuff ask her " honey, i ve got trouble removing breast and makeup " the wife enter the bathroom screaming " april s fools it s a month long stuck " or something like that ;) A Sissy, eyes hide by a tissu asking "where are..." getting push by the back and his location revealed. He can be at a drag reality show, pageant, red carpet or whatever you found funny. =) A Drunk guy, heavy sleeping at a sorority party is all dolled up by the girls. Maybe they are talking about what to do next to make it more fun. "how about we left him on the beach like that?" "We should fill him in a Cosmetology School for next year" "Does Miss campus inscription finish today?" etc