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My next Sketch Stream will be on Wednesday, February 3rd at 7PM Pacific time.

For this month's theme, all suggestions should be in the form "______ Loves ______!" so start thinking about how you would fill in those blanks.

Bring your suggestions to the sketch stream on Wednesday.

If you won't be able to attend the sketch stream, you are welcome to post your suggestions as a comment on this post.

I will post the URL for the stream when I am ready to start.



Timing -Loves- Screwing Me Over! For, alas, I won't be able to make it; but I'm quite glad to see the streams are back all the same! Now, for an actual suggestion, how about... Robot -Loves- Unwilling Test Subject! or Cupid -Loves- Revenge!

not telling

"Everybody loves Raymond" I don't know how you would make it work but the pun writes itself.


Lingerie loves a host or Dress loves a host. Basically some sensual getup with a mind of it's own forces itself onto the nearest person(male).


Hi Dov, glad you're doing a new stream. I couldn't be here on Wednesday at 7pm (pacific time) because I'm 9 hours jetlagged, it would be 4am in France, I would sleep at this time ^^, I'm sending you some ideas, maybe interesting for you ;) My daughter loves her hairstyling head. The boss loves his new employee.


Everyone loves dolls


I hope to be asleep by that time, so here are my suggestions: Girlfriend loves experimenting Mistress loves making sissy porn


Misery loves company


He loves heels. Everybody loves a winner. Joanie loves Chachi.