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Gosh, I wonder what could be in that present with the lock on it?

This was drawn based on a suggestion from Josster for December's theme of "Xmas Gifts".

Added note: As many have pointed out, this position would be very hard on your back. Let's just hope someone is kind enough to lift those legs into the air.




My old man body just thinks, "ow... my back!"


The complete lack of lumbar support! The pain. Who wants a present when you already know what it is. I'd definitely leave that one for last. Another fun one in the Christmas category.


I could only imagine what is going on on the inside of the box!


Just like everyone been saying, I can just imagine the back pain this poor sissy is gonna have. not gonna be a very good gift at first LOL Id love to see the top part and what matches the bottom half. jejejejeje keep it up Dov. Happy Holidays


This seems to be a wrapping that might invite one to use the gift before opening the box ;P