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The Sketch Stream went well but it was interrupted by a connectivity problem so I'm still taking suggestions for a few more pictures.

The theme is "Something You Would Like To See At a Costume Party".

Please comment with your suggestions!



You know what would be cool. Someone cosplaying as you in your steampunk costume. A Dov pic of Dov.


Would love to see a sort of costume party roulette wheel/ chance drawing. Where as the guests entered they spin/draw for what costume they will be. Obviously it would be rigged against the men/sissies.


Someone getting put into costume after showing up in plain clothes or some joke "ninja costume" or "im scary enough already" type shirts. Maybe extra crazy to counter the orginal lack of effort.


You know how some guys intentionally dress up as trashy bimbos? Do that to a rude dude, but stuff him into a tight bodysuit so he's in a blow-up doll costume.


maybe a group dressed up in a matching costume theme (Like the sailor scouts or the power rangers) but they need another member and decide to force a random guy into the final costume that is embarrassing.


What about a domme lady bullying her 'husband' So the Lady is dressed as an adult baby and the husband is dressed as a sissy, but the husband is in a stroller being pushed around the halloween party.

David Reilly

Perhaps a group of 3 brothers who’ve dressed up in drag to go out- two are loving it but the third is hating it? Or as an alternative, same idea but with the third brother who hates it is being hit on by someone and that makes his two more willing brothers jealous, perhaps? X

Clara Stark

I would like to see a sissy boy dressed as a sausage. The disguise would in fact be an encased pantyhose with many layers of tights so that we only distinguish a form of sausage. And as obviously he can no longer walk, he would be put on a roller base pushed by his mistress.


you know those two-person horse costumes? two sissies bound together in a giant crawling sissy costume.


A teenage boy is forcibly disguised as a very puffy Cinderella by his sisters on Halloween to go to a party.