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Just a happy, fluffy, pink sissy taking a selfie for the fans.

This was drawn based on a suggestion from NekaFluff for July's theme of "Solo".




Another one I really LOVE!!! Love the dress and big bow, love the sissy phone cover, love the curly hair, love the cute make up and kissy face, and love how hes been watching "how to make cleavage" videos online. jejejejeje GREAT job Dov.


Yeah, I'm not sure if that's just an illusion of light and shadow or if he's been squeezing his chest with tape under that dress.


Oh yes thats another ides. I tried it once and NOPE, it hurts to remove after a while jejejejejeje


It's important to use the right kind of tape, something that is intended for use on human skin, like medical tape for bandages or sports tape. And it can be a good idea to reverse a bit of tape or put in a little gauze to cover your nipples so that you don't place the tape adhesive directly on them.


True. But I dont do it anymore, so Ill just stick to using water balloons in the mean time, untilI I shell out the movie for some good breast forms.

blank stare (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-07 00:42:49 hurray for happy & sexy! ♥️
2020-07-29 12:41:32 hurray for happy & sexy! ♥️

hurray for happy & sexy! ♥️