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I started on a storyboard for a New Year's themed short comic but there will probably be a delay before I can finish it. I seem to have coughed so much that I cracked a rib just now so I can't burp without crying out. Hopefully, it won't stop me from posting something new this month but it might be a lighter month than usual.

Thank you for your patience.



That must've been a vigorous cough. Feel better. Recovery is the priority!


Thank you. It was actually worse than I thought. The rib isn't cracked. It's broken all the way through. The delay might be longer than I thought.


Take your time hope your feeling better soon:-) x

Phillip Kettless

Good grief. I don't want that kind of cold.


Yeah, it's a stinker. It started as a normal cold or flu bug but then it turned into that thing where the bug is gone but the coughing itself is causing irritation which causes more coughing, round and round. But they have me on lots of meds now, both for the rib pain and for cough suppression, which is helping. I can still barely move but I should be able to heal in about six weeks if everything goes normally. And I have my sweetie here to help me.


Hope you feel better!