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My next Sketch Session will be on Saturday, June 6th at 8PM Pacific time.

The theme for June is "Brides".

Join me on the sketch stream and bring your suggestions for interesting bridal situations.

If you won't be able to join me, you can post your suggestion as comment on this post. It can be a scenario or something as small as a type of bridal outfit you'd like to see.

When I am ready to start the sketch session, I will post the URL.



a pair of cheating husbands hypnotized into bimbo brides?


maybe a wedding cake dress?

Rose Wright

Just throwing out something random. How about a Bridalgownator?(a ray gun that turns clothes into Bridal Wear?)


A princess sissy marrying a lady knight.


Made-to-Mail-Order Brides

Phillip Kettless

A variation on one of your earlier pictures with a sissy bride being brought in on roller skates. This one is strapped into a sack-barrow type frame in just her wedding lingerie and corset, knee length vwhite boots, arm length opera gloves ending in mittens and a decorative posture collar and a white pump gag. Her evil looking bridesmaids are wheeling her to her fate with evil grins on their faces.


You should do night of the living bridal gown but of the guy full encapsulated in the bride suit and held as an internal prisoner forever


Something with the garter toss.


You could do something like... Sissy of the bride.. where the sissys wife to be is actually marrying someone else and our sissy is carrying the rings or her train or something a sissy can help with 😝