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1. Really rough sketch with fat pencils. I had a lot of trouble with this one because I wanted a really twisty pose with strong perspective. I wound up sketching in multiple layers so I could shift her butt around and scale it down or scale her head up and so on.

2. Medium rough sketch. More details worked out. This is what my rough sketch usually looks like.

3. Final sketch + model. Final details worked out. I also decided to make a 3D model for that "Sissy" collar since this is the third time I've used it.

4. Inking.

5. Flat block colors. I was careful to re-use the same skin, eye and collar colors from my previous "Sissy on a Leash"

6. Form shadows. Dark brown layer set to linear burn. I start with the whole layer filled and use a soft round airbrush to erase the shadows away.

7. Cast shadow. Another dark brown layer set to linear burn. This one I start with no shadows and use a solid, soft round brush to paint in shadows cast from one object to another.

8. Backlight. A white layer set to screen. Solid, soft round brush. Mostly I just stroke around the side. I also dab a little spot into key places and then smudge it to create streaks of light in the hair or ruffles.

9. Combine all three! Looks great! Nice job.

10. Shine. Add in the shine for eyes, hair, and shiny details. Like the "candy corn".

11. Colored linework.

12. Add eyelashes and blush.

13. A simple backdrop. I sketched out some Halloweeny building silhouettes and dropped them onto a mailboxed backdrop. Then I used a simple round brush with lots of scatter, size variation, and opacity variation to brush in some stars. (Actually, it's the same brush I used for water spray in my mermaid picture.)



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