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Which one is more stimulating - the movie, this extra-buttery popcorn, or his arm around your shoulders?

This was drawn based on a suggestion by CherryDoll for February's theme "Love and Valentines".




I LOVE the expression on his face. Super buttery popcorn jejejejejeje. Very cute. When I read the title I thought it was gonna be the other way around. But still very good. Great job Dov.


What's with the eye? Is there a mask over their face that's falling off? Looks like someone with down syndrome being a sissy. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just not my jam.

Phillip Kettless

Would love to see a steamier version of this. The loving couple on the couch watching TV. The poor heroine with her arms behind her in a wrist to arm binder. Her legs held apart by a couple of spreader bars at knees and ankles. Her eyes staring out from a lifelike latex doll mask which a mouth- filling bulge from the built in gag making her lips pout. Her boyfriend has one arm about her waist while his other hand is snaking under her short skirt!

Jenny North

I have to admit this one threw me a bit. I got the joke just fine, and Dov I enjoy your artistic style that sometimes employs a bit of cartoonish elasticity, but here the sissy's expression went into full-on caricature, which I admit I found a bit discordant. Though it's possible I was just thrown since I was familiar with your other work, so this just pushed it further than I expected. Just my opinion!


Honestly, I don't see it. I don't feel this expression is any more exaggerated than the pouty face boombox picture.

Jenny North

This conversation reminds me of the quote from Dogma: "There's nothing funnier than the ridiculous faces you people make mid-coitus." I don't think it's WAY off, I just think it's off just enough. The boombox pic had cartoonish features with the over-the-top pout and chubby cheeks, but here I feel like there's a combination of the eye, the mouth, and the cheeks that pushed it into a kind of vaguely creepy uncanny valley between cartoon and caricature. As an exercise, I did a quick edit of the image and took her left (squinting) eye and duplicated it over her right eye, and I didn't feel the same reaction. It's more cartoonish. (More akin to your other art, I'd say.) Then I did the same with her right (wide open) eye and duplicated it onto her left, and it's wildly over-the-top, but feels like caricature. It's the combination that nudges it into a weird place for me. But just my opinion, obviously!