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Sissy Lemon is the most popular with the fans.

This was drawn based on a suggestion by CharBB for this month's three-word theme.



Connar Woodhead

Do they have super sentai like sissy names?

Connar Woodhead

Is there a translated version tho?


now that is super duper creative!!!!


I LOVE IT!!! Id watch the FUCK out of this show. jejejejejeje FANTASTIC job Dov. SUPER creative and funny. Id love to see their Giant sissy robots, and who the villain is. Oh please later in the future expand this universe a bit.

Jenny North

Striking from a hidden base, this pastel quintet dispenses justice and snappily-delivered fashion advice to everyone in need! :)


If you do the sequels topic again. i got one for this picture. The rival evil dommes team of villians.

Jazzy Renolds

OMG I'm spazzing out right now. I had to leave the chat early so i had no idea you picked my suggestion! This is incredible!! I think Mint might be my favorite, but it's hard to choose.