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When you share a seat with your special someone, when look into their eyes and get nice and tight and close, it can be soooooo hard to get back up again.

Based on a suggestion from Josster for September's theme of "Couples".



Jenny North

Wow, lots of fun little details on this one! I love the blushing and the trembling (and it looks like they have good reason!), and the complementary colors, even on their gags. And I can't even imagine the planning on that ropework!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-07 00:43:57 This turned out so good <3 The classic 'Couple in Distress' pose but with two beautiful sissies! :D
2019-10-03 10:49:16 This turned out so good <3 The classic 'Couple in Distress' pose but with two beautiful sissies! :D

This turned out so good <3 The classic 'Couple in Distress' pose but with two beautiful sissies! :D


I LOVE it!!!! very cute and HOT at the same time. I love the details in this one and I only imagine whats going through their minds. Great job Dov. Lets see what next months theme is.