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Here's an exciting new ad for the Glue Brand Glue that so often appears in my work.

I know you're wondering "Are they going to come back?" and I promise you that, yes, that's exactly what he's wondering, too.




Well he's clearly in a pickle. And in the meantime, despite his eventual rescue by one of the many tourist boats (photo op anyone?), he still must face certain 'elements' that come with living a life at sea. Take those rocks for instance, which are a regular hotbed for seagulls to frequent. While such seabirds may not stop to perch with him stranded there, they certainly will continue to circle him from above, and in due time he'll no doubt find himself covered from head to toe in their sticky white poo. Yet this added misfortune only aids in setting him up for an even worse dilemma to come. That is because, so it seems, that just one day prior someone secretly hand-delivered mysterious envelopes to slews of local horny tugboat skippers, each containing personalized invitations with his exact nautical coordinates and a simple note that reads, 'RAIN OR SHINE, SET SAIL TOMORROW TO ARRIVE AT HIGH NOON TO THESE HERE COORDINATES TO CUM GET UR ROCKS OFF 'N LEAVE A DEPOSIT AT THE WORLD'S FIRST EVER MERMAID BUKKAKE!'


hmm not badly!! she is sexy