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My next Sketch Stream will be on Sunday, August 4th at 3PM Pacific time.

This month's theme is "Dolls" so start thinking about your doll-themed suggestions and join me on Sunday. If you won't be able to make it to the stream, feel free to post a suggestion as comment on this post.

I will post the URL for the stream when I am ready to start.



I dont think Ill make this stream. So my idea is A mom presenting her daughter with a life size princess "doll" that she can have tea parties with as a present. A focus group of women who are deciding which "doll" would be more appealing to adults as adult sex toys.


Sadly have to work but haven’t seen a hypnosis picture in a minute. One where a a daughter hypnotized her step dad to be her Barbie doll to dress up would be fun. Keep up the great work!

Jenny North

I'd love to make this, but I've got other plans...have lots of fun, though! I dearly love the hypnosis idea, but I've never known Dov to draw anything other than adults. Maybe instead have a product launch presentation that sells kits for women to turn their men into life-size hypnotized dolls? A couple of sample "dolls" up on stage, with a long line of women lined up to buy the kits, and a couple guys off to the side looking VERY nervous. :) Another idea might be a "Build-A-Bimbo" workshop in the mall, where a couple of very excited young women are dragging a struggling man into the store. Maybe a delighted customer is walking out hugging her custom (possibly hypnotized) bimbo dolly.


Love those ideas Jenny. You should go write up the stories for some of those! Dov, do you think you could start posting the rough sketches for the streams again for the people that miss it?


I do have a strict draw-adults-only rule but daughters can be adults so it's no problem. And some adults play with dolls, too. I'm attending to a doll convention with a primarily adult membership later this month.

Jenny North

In that case, Dov, maybe a fun pic would be for a clearly older woman (gray or white hair) walking along and her adult daughter is excitedly pulling at her hand like a little girl and pointing at the Build-A-Bimbo workshop, wanting to go in. :)

Jenny North

Haha, please don't say that, my muse is easily distracted enough as it is! Right now I'm scrambling to get my costumes put together for Dragon Con in a few weeks, and my muse has become enamored with the idea of writing a forced fem superhero story that has a companion arc that people would actually be able to play in City of Heroes. I am a crazy person. But oh, yes, please, do post the rough sketches, I always enjoy seeing those!


Sorry wont be able to make it this time Dov! But I do have a suggestion: Not sure if you are much of a Simpsons fan, but I recall there was an episode where Comic Book Guy played a villain called 'The Collector' and kept his kidnapped celebrities in storage bags to keep them in good condition. Maybe we could see a variation of this sort of villain who collects sissy dolls to add to their collection? :) For Reference: https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/the_collector_the_simpsons.jpg Look forward to seeing this months pictures! :)


Hi Dov! I'm back after a long hiatus! Great theme for the month I've returned for too! I am going try my level best to make the stream but in case I don't, here is my idea: For making fun of his female roommate for still collecting barbies, the protagonist of this art piece is turned into a life sized Barbie doll as a lesson, complete with makeup, changeable outfits and loooong hair that can be brushed and styled to the hearts desire of the owner! I hope you like the idea :)