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My next Sketch Stream on Friday, July 5th at 8PM Pacific.

This month, for no particular reason, the theme will be "Sissy On Top" so bring your ideas for sissies who are dominant, assertive, victorious, or otherwise "on top".

I will post the URL when I am ready to begin.



Trans Dom??

Hina Yui

Dang it, it's literally the only day I'm not available T.T There's no way to break off work unfortunately, so I'll have to miss this one, but I'm still ultra excited to see what comes out of the stream :) I did have a few ideas myself though just in case you need them :) My first idea was a pic of the winner of the "Miss Sissy Beauty Pageant 2019" with him maybe in a cute little ballgown and holding the trophy and the flowers :) For a twist you could even have the pageant be the year 3075 edition or even the year 1860 or from whatever time period you wanted if you want to get creative with the winner's outfit :) My second idea was a kind of Sissy Olympic photo finish pic with maybe a sissy sprint course that came down to the wire with the winning sissy busting through the finish line mere inches in front of another sissy :) For a twist maybe it was a hobble race with the sissies in tight hobble skirts or something or maybe it could even be a sissy pony race or something :) My final idea is a little out there and I'm not sure if it fits the theme but it's about a sissy serial killer kind of pic but instead of killing he instead locks unsuspecting victims into doll masks and maybe a pretty outfit, the pic could even be him in a dark alley just about to lock on the pretty doll mask to his latest terrified victim, maybe the serial sissy even wears a creepy doll mask himself to further terrify his victims :D Although reading it now maybe it would be better suited for a scary Halloween pic :) Either way I'm super sad that I have to miss it but hopefully everyone has a super awesome time and I can hardly wait to see what comes out of it :D


I got an idea~ Sissy on top, so why not run a submissive looking sissy, fully frilled, fully princess like. The sissy would like sit on a throne, pointing down at his heels, as some hot "female/Bimbo" Or maybe other sissies slaves, of course, massive tits being used as coffee tables or such, really have the 'princess' use and humiliate these slaves like lesser beings, really arrogant Sissy~ So... TL:DR Sissy Princess, humiliating lesser sissies/Females, Sitting on a throne! Looking submissive, but clearly is in control.


I dunno if I'm going to be able to make it to this one... London Pride is tomorrow, so the sensible thing would be to not stay up half the night for an art stream, buuuut... XD Well anyway, just in case I don't make it, I'd love to see a "Viva la revolución!" style pic with one or more sissies chasing a big, bad looking Dominatrix! Perhaps she deserves a taste of her own medicine...~