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"I was deeply honored when Victoria asked me to be her Best Man and, as of the wedding ceremony, I'm certainly the only real man up here..."

How do you suppose the rest of the Best Man speech went?

Based on a suggestion from Josster and TheSamstitute.




Gonna take a guess and say the speech was met with a mixture of tearful cheers and tearful cries. Although the latter is probably due to the gags than anything


"If you look under your seats, you'll find your gift for attending. It's a key to the bridal suite. Let's form an orderly line. Everyone will get a turn to 'congratulate' the bride!"

Jenny North

"...as I'm sure you all know, instead of gifts, Victoria and Danny requested funds for a very special 'honeymoon,' and WOW, you guys were generous! Now, Danny was a little shy about keeping this side of himself from all of us--speak up if you disagree, Danny, haha!--but right now, his ex-girlfriends are buying him a whole new wardrobe and tossing out the old one! But special kudos goes to Danny's first wife, who has very generously offered the use of her clinic's services for a free boob job for our lucky 'bride!' Victoria, I guess that'll be a gift you'll both get to enjoy, haha! Anyway, please all raise your glasses as we toast these two lucky ladies and their exciting new life together!"


"...I was even more honored when Victoria asked me to join them in their hotel room after the ceremony. I look forward to getting to know the Bride a little better, since we haven't had much of a chance to talk yet. Although judging by that ball gag, she probably hasn't been doing much talking at all!" *audible laughs from the crowd* "But jokes aside, I am so proud that the two of you decided to 'TIE' the knot, and wish you both the very best. So please everybody raise your glass in a toast to the new couple, Victoria and Stev- oops, I mean Stephanie! *crowd cheers as they raise their glasses*