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It's over for us but it's not over for our new doll.

Drawn based on suggestions from Cardboard2396, HinaYui, Masked, Josster, and Nekafluff.

I plan to draw some bonus art for the comic, then the cover, then make a few edits to past pages, and then I will post the complete comic here as a PDF.



Sammy Adams

I adore this series and am glad it will continue! Thanks for creating such fun!


Please don't end it! I want to see him *.*


Awwww. I loved the comic, but the last page kinda played it up to be longer.... Sad ending :/

Jenny North

I love the story and this was an approprate, fun, and well-timed ending...great job! But if I can offer a bit of constructive feedback it was a bit of a let-down after so many pages of over-the-top escalations. Trapping him in the machine is a great choice but personally I was hoping for a splash page that showed little glimpses of him struggling against the machine in like a half-dozen different outfits, sort of "Dov's Greatest hits." Failing that, even just a display or an overlay of automated comments by the machine what he was in for. ("Accessing Bunny Girl; Accessing Sexytary; Accessing Wanton Wench; Accessing Street Hooker; ...") Or maybe if the tentacles were holding different outfits? I still think it's a fun and appropriate ending, but after so much awesome over-the-top fun it just feels like it needs a bit more zing to do justice to the rest of the story. Just my two cents!


I can only hope that we get to see the end result of the second round and see what she looks like for the lucky "Prince Charming."


Well, I hope that bonus art includes our lovely doll's final outfit... or maybe his big date, which I'm sure will be loads of fun! ^.^


I personally loved this series. I was refreshing almost every day hoping for an update haha. I do hope there is a continuation of this character or others in the same setting. This thing is a magic bullet that can make anyone into anything.