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There's always room for improvement.

Drawn based on suggestions from Cardboard2396, HinaYui, Masked, Josster, and Nekafluff.




Oh yes please! A second round would be the best! I really like this comic of yours.

Jenny North

Best first date EVER! :)


Please don’t stop here. Maybe the employee asks if she wants any input on the work done?


Oh I can just picture the outfit montage. Please Doc many sexy outfits. From the already Pretty Princess to Sissy Prissy Slut and all in between. oh please Dov I cant wait how thing turns out. Also makes you think if this is the first time shes done this to have SO many accumulated points.

Sammy Adams

Oh yeah! So excited to see where this goes. Well played. Very well played!

Jenny North

I was thinking about it and I have to say I really like the comic beats on this and the previous page. The "both birds flying" pose at the end of the last page was great because it was so hilarious and provocative, but holding that pose for the two panels on this page was a great choice since it holds the tension and neatly shifts the focus to her reaction. The joke would still have landed if you hadn't put in those extra beats, but I don't think it would have been nearly as funny. Nicely done! (And sorry, I don't mean to over-analyze, but I have to stop and appreciate a well-crafted joke!) :)


Completely agree this needs to be continued 😊