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Time to meet that hot date! (You didn't think it was over, did you?)

Drawn based on suggestions from Cardboard2396, HinaYui, Masked, Josster, and Nekafluff.




Loving it, LOVING IT!!!! She has to parade him around now.

Jenny North

Outstanding! Though I hope that she's paying now that he's spent all of his money on his pretty new outfit. Hopefully she'll take him someplace nice and popular with lots of people. And also with very wide and accommodating doorways. :)


This is some of your best work


So hot! I love It! Please continue it, it is a fantastic work!

Sammy Adams

This is like a dream come true! Thank you for sharing your talents! Very excited to she what happens next!


Harold? Looks more like a Harriet now to me! :)


I really love the look on the saleswoman's face. Imagine having to put up with arrogant male customers like him day after day, hitting on you, telling you off, and being know-it-alls. You're not allowed to talk back or exact any restitution and then one day one of the jerks, after ignoring you like the cocky men like him always do, walks into a broken machine only to undergo the most humiliating fate imaginable. This macho man who thinks he knows more than you just because of his sexual organs gets all gussied up in the most girly outfit possible. So girly he makes his own prissy girlfriend -- in lipstick and heels -- look masculine in comparison. When that jerk emerged from the machine and the sales clerk explained his mistake, I don't think you'll ever see a more satisfied look on a woman's face.