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You may wish to double-check your pledge status because there was a glitch with Patreon's processing this month, causing some of the pledges to be mistakenly rejected as fraud. You can read more about it here: https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/1025071287020871680?s=19

I thinkyou can check the status of your pledges by going to https://www.patreon.com/pledges?ty=h and seeing if any of them are not marked as "Completed".



exactly. i had to contact my cc company and advise it was legit then had to go back and tell the nudnicks at patreon to try again. they did and everything went thru 2nd time


Who did you contact? the "retry" button doesn't seem to function on mine. It's even stranger because I have two accounts with the same card - one charged fine, the second one apparently "failed" even though there's nothing wrong with it. Bizarre.


My cc company made me confirm I really agreed to the charge, They then advised good to go. then i did retry on patreon.