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My next live sketch session will be on Sunday, July 8th at 10PM Pacific time.  I will be taking suggestions for sketch ideas so bring them with you when you join me. I will post the URL when I am ready to start.

If you can't make it to the stream, feel free to post your suggestions as comments on this post.



Hypnotised sissy nurse watches his doctor’s practise partner with his wife - the newly hired sexy receptionist

Jenny North

Sorry I can't make it, but that's a bit past my bedtime on the east coast...next time! But since summertime is fun for travel, how about an "oversized luggage" gag where a guy is dressed as a stewardess with big boobs and butt that are encroaching on the annoyed passengers while the female pilot and co-pilot have a good laugh?

Jenny North

Okay, one more. A trip to Disney World may be too on-the-nose, but how about a male employee being made up as a princess at "Princess World" (which is of course the princessiest place on Earth). Maybe there's a calendar up on the wall that shows that the girls are out sick or on vacation, so it's up to him to fill in. And maybe outside we can see the smirking mothers standing outside the out-of-control "Princess Party" where the little girls are going rabid with anticipation. :)


Im sorry Ive missed all your sessions. But I work the graveyard shift so I wont be able to attend this one. But here are some ideas. 1. 4th of july sissy barbeque. 2. a sissy getting banged behind a large crowd watching a fireworks show and have both the sissy and his lover orgasm as the fireworks go off, hes dressed in all 4th of july attire. 3. Son just arrived from a hot night with his mothers boss, messed up and exhausted. Mother asks how it went and if he got her the promotion she wanted and son says yes and has another date the next day. 4. a sissy slumber party either a bunch of sissies all dressed up or an older sister and her friends feminize her little brother. 5. more beach fun two sissies walk around a beach and a couple of hunks whistle at them. 6. sissy dressed as sexy statue of liberty, his mistress dressed as uncle sam counting money and the sissy is surrounded by guys dressed as presidents ready to have their way with him.


I can never make the sunday evening streams, so I'll leave an idea here. A guy really wants to go to an anime con, and his fed-up girlfriend agrees, provided he agrees to some cosplay with her. So, naturally, she drops him off at the wrong convention (fetish convention, biker convention, etc.) So we get to see the poor guy dolled up as some magical girl, left alone in entirely the wrong place. Substitute magical girl for busty superheroine at your preference.

Jenny North

That could also be a funny "wrong weekend" gag. I can picture the guy standing there in his fancy outfit while his girlfriend drives off with a smile and a wave and we see a sign that says "Welcome, Biker Con! (next week: Magical Faerie Con!)"