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The ideal couple, even if the vows were a little one-sided.




My god the shoulders are so poofy!!!!!!


The eyelashes.


I know! I had quite a crisis when I realized that a large part of those massive lashes would have to be erased because they are behind the enormous sleeves.

Jenny North

I love how fantastically over the top this is--the dress, the boobs, the eyelashes, that hair! But if I might make a constructive observation, it feels a wee bit too zoomed-in. The artwork suggests a lot but it doesn't really hit home the immensity of the outfit, and the characters are a little too passive to really give a sense of the how unwieldy and unmanageable it would be. (Even getting through the chapel's double-doors in that outfit would be a feat!) I love your work though...just my two cents! That said, as usual I really like all of the little touches and details. Trying to spot the matching wedding rings is like "Where's Waldo" amid all those ruffles. :)


I understand the desire to see what the whole thing really looks like but the zoom was kind of the point of this design. I wanted the outfit to be so big that it wouldn't fit inside the frame in any direction, so big that not a single speck of backdrop could be seen.

Jenny North

Oh, no, I'm not saying to zoom all the way out--that's a different gag entirely--I'm just saying a skosh more. Right now it's framed to focus on the couple (rule of thirds and all that), but of course the joke is that the outfit is ginormous. I'm just suggesting that violating that rule and zooming out a touch more might be funnier since it would draw the eye more to the "negative space" which in this case is the outfit, and the joke. Of course now I feel like a complete ass, explaining both the joke and the art to the artist. :) I just love the piece so much I thought you might appreciate the feedback. If not, just ignore me...I'll be quiet now!


If this is what the bride looks like Id love to see the bridesmaids.


You're probably the kind of person who glues together a model, then paints all the parts, even the ones that are going on the INSIDE unseen! :)


If that sissybride's pouffy wedding dress is any indication, there is a lot of 'fluffing' in store for him to keep his groom's boyfriends rock hard for her pleasure. This vow (one of many) will be honored all throughout the first night of their Honeymoon, and the next day, and the next day, and the day after that, and etc etc etc...