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My next sketch stream will be on Sunday, June 10th, at 8PM Pacific time. Please join me and bring your suggestions! If you won't be able to make it but you have a suggestion, please share your suggestion in the comments on this post.

I will post the URL for the stream when I am ready to start.



A doctors office. Hypnotised sissy latex nurse with simpering smile assisting with a female patient “it was so good of you to hand over your plastic surgery practice to me Peter - And you have adapted to your new role here wonderfully. Now hold your wife down so that I can drug and reprogram her too. She is going to make a wonderful busty bimbo receptionist


Or Unsympathetic vice cop cursed by witch to experience a night as a hooker


or Therapist cures smoking habit by changing the focus of his aural addiction to something more healthy - now ‘she’ just needs to make sure she is pretty enough to be able to feed her addiction

Hina Yui

Noooooooooooo I'm gonna miss it unfortunately T.T but that's still ok I'm sure you will always make the most awesome pics of all time :D I'm super excited to see what comes out of it though and if you ever need an idea, I had one about a guy who stowaways on a cruise ship or something to try and enjoy a little cruise, but is found out by the captain and is forced to work to pay off the cruise fair, only dressed in a sissy little sailor outfit of course. Also if you need a bigger idea, I also had the thought of a high school idol boy band only less boy and more girl if you know what I mean, I don't mind if it's forced or sweet, but it would be cool to dress up each boy in the standard idol archetype ie: super girly (sweet lolita), serious (gothic lolita) and so on i picture 4 of them on a stage being forced to sing in front of a crowd, but I really don't mind :) as always whatever you draw will forever be incredibly amazing, I really can't wait to see all the awesomeness that will come from it, super excited :D