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My next live sketch stream will be this Sunday, March 4th at 8PM Pacific time.

This month, I'm doing all follow-up pictures! So pick one of my past drawings and help me think of what should happen next.

Suggestions from people who join me for the stream will get first priority but, if you can't make it to the stream, please post your suggestions in the comments here and, if we run out of ideas in the stream (or if a suggestion here is just too tasty to pass up), I'll try to use some from the comments.



Excitement! By the way, does it have to be a follow-up to a patreon work or can it be for absolutely any work in your gallery or that you've drawn in the past?


Hey - can't make the stream. Can I suggest a follow up to the couple in <a href="https://dovsherman.deviantart.com/art/What-do-you-mean-glue-597598109" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dovsherman.deviantart.com/art/What-do-you-mean-glue-597598109</a> showing the aftereffects/fallout, maybe in a hospital waiting room? Thanks!


How about a classic? A return to the spider's cave! A hero (or heroine) finally defeats (or sneaks past) the giant spider to rescue the damsel. And gosh darn it, they're going to have their prize whether he likes it or not.


Although, maybe the poor, emaciated former hero would rather end up a princess than spider food?


I would love to see a follow up on “long term contract”. There was a gonna going on in that image that could be sequel material. The victim was already in a pretty constrictive rubber outfit and mask, I can only imagine how much more the punishments outfit would be after “HR” caught him


Perhaps a continuation of “The Sexy Pirate’s Curse” in which his (or should I say her) crew mates finally get ahold of the pirate booty they’ve been waiting for after all their time at sea. Maybe he’s tied to the mast or placed in the captain’s quarters? =)


I just realized it'll be a tad too late here... if I don't make it, I'll suggest a sequel for "Wrong Adress", with the aftermath of "Cinderella"'s appearance at the ball. Maybe this one wasn't so quick to escape... ^.^