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I've made 14 chapters on Sovereign Monstrosity thus far, and normally, that'd be decently-far into the meat of the story, but it is still rather feeble what is there. 

I know this may be disappointing, but in order to figure out how best to tell the story, I am taking a break from publishing chapters until March. I don't think forcing myself to write on something that feels wrong is conducive to a good story, so I will take the time to figure out how best to proceed.

This also means that the intended release on RR is going to be pushed back. Again, I know this will be upsetting to those who were waiting to read it there. The idea had been to release it on the 6th, but it just doesn't add up right now. Plus, if I want the story to do well on RR, releasing two chapters per week just isn't going to cut it for the launch. The way the site works, you want to basically have 20k words up within the first few days of releasing it, otherwise your shot at hitting Rising Stars is severely hampered.

I also want to rewrite things such that the story can truly be a standalone, since that was the intentions from the beginning. Currently, it is feeling a lot like just a sequel, when the idea was that it could be picked up by new readers who hadn't read Father of Monstrosity.

Again, sorry for those that'll be annoyed or frustrated by this delay, but I always tell other authors that they shouldn't force their writing or work on something that feels wrong, so I ought to listen to my own advice, hence this decision.


Zachary Smith

Great post outlining your thoughts. Cheers


Can I suggest maybe less Jakob/Seeker POVs? As much as I love Jakob <3 it would make the story more standalone if he was to take more of a similar role to The Watcher in book 1 where we only see the results of their plan and not the thought process during it. It would also make Jakob more mysterious and make us wonder how ascendancy has affected him. I’d rather find his abilities “out of reach” and “unfathomable” then concrete and described. Ie. When he turns the ant into and anteater and laments abt his control of his powers… I suppose on one hand the power of an ascendant is so powerful that fine tuning it to ants can be like trying to pick up a fragile doll on the other time is supposed to know no meaning to ascendants and if thats true how can one not master a ability to full refinement in infinitum… though I guess it can be seen as a continuation of Jakob becoming more human through FoM though its odd that he and Gambit seem so human… ahh idk