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Heya everybody.

I am finally eligible to have annual subscriptions for my tiers now, which feature a 10% discount. I doubt this will be something most people use, but the option is there for those who live life that far into the future ;p

Additionally, Patreon has added a new feature called Collections (https://www.patreon.com/Dosei/collections), where you can navigate my various stories with a bit more clarity. Granted, it is Patreon, so its functionality is pretty limited, but that's how it goes with this site ^-^'

I would also like to reiterate an update for my posting schedule that affects Invoker tier and Royalroad, which is that I am now only posting Mondays and Fridays. It will (currently) not change how far ahead Patreon is compared to RR, but I am hoping that this allows me to eventually bump Ascendant up to 16 chapters ahead and Invoker up to 8. 

Nothing will change for how the Ascendant tier receives the chapters. I am still striving to accomplish three chapters per week, which should hopefully continue to bolster my backlog, while also not making me feel that I have to write like crazy to stay ahead of Royalroad releases to keep Patreon worthwhile for y'all.

This was a change I had to make because I started studying programming, so a portion of my week is now occupied by that, but I will strive to not let it affect the quality or consistency of my stories on here and hope you will bear with me until I settle into a more balanced style of doing things.

- Dosei -


Haley Nohrden

if i pay a year in advance, will they pay you the same every month, or will you just make the yearly fee once

Kristoffer Pauly

It's upfront. You'd be saving $12 on the $10 tier if you got the yearly sub, and wouldn't be charged again until a year from now.