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Up to and including LXXX

This marks the end of Father of Monstrosity.

To everyone who has been supporting the story, thank you so much. As you may know, the idea was never to make the story this long, but as people kept showing interest in it and providing feedback, it kept evolving and getting bigger.

Stay on the lookout for news about book 2, titled 'Sovereign Monstrosity', which I will have news about and advanced chapters from in the coming months, and which will of course hit Patreon before RoyalRoad. 

I will also be uploading things from a new progression story in the coming weeks that I hope you will enjoy reading.

Lastly, an idea I've had for a while is that, when the book has run its course on RR, I will be self-publishing it to Amazon, and I wanted to show my appreciation for those of the Ascendant tier, by gifting you with advanced review copies. That is still probably 4-5 months away though, but I hope you are all okay with me reaching out to you by the emails attached to your Patreon accounts, even if you are not supporting me by then.




What a trip! I guess in hindsight I should've expected for Jakob to reach the heights that he did, but perhaps I am too used to stories where the climb to power is never-ending haha. Too often do web novels/RR stories drag on for too long or have an unsatisfactory ending, that is if they end at all, but this one definitely left me content and my imagination up in the clouds yearning to reach the heights of the Great Ones. I can't wait for book 2! **Spoiler Below** **Spoiler Below. I'm serious, don't read the text below if you haven't finished Book 1** Though I must say that the fact that Jakob never fulfilled any of his potential love paths, very disheartening. T-T Will my boi ever become a real MAN or perhaps such mortal desires only distract from the path to knowledge and serving the watcher. haha. Truly Grandfather made a mistake in who he chose to grovel at the feet of. Also I hope that in ascendancy Jakob is able to correct the "consequences" that he regrets, but perhaps that would be against the themes of the setting, for what is sacrifice if it is not permanent... I'm also surprised the Demon Lord of Greed never returned to attempt revenge, though I did really like his character so perhaps this is for the better as now he and Jakob can make amends hahaha. I'm glad that Jakob has now even ripped the knowledge from Grandfather's mind as "power is meant to be used" I would hate to see such power go decrepit and die trapped layers below Helmsgarten. I'm glad that the initial goal of apprenticeship was actualized and immortalized into the Father of Monstrosity. Thanks for the story!