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Heya everybody,

Here's kind of a monthly update about stuff related to Patreon and the books I'm writing, as well as some real-world stuff.

Patreon design alterations:
Just wanted to let you know that I changed the tier icons and descriptions (the rewards are the same obviously), so don't fret if your tier now has a different icon.

Previously, I made the tier symbols according to some Chthonic icons I designed in the past, but now they are more-or-less derivations on the sigil of the Watcher (a triangle, often upside down, with an eye and a smeared horizontal pupil). This sigil is also the one that appears in Exiled Realm later as a sign of the amount of times a Player in the Realm has invoked the abilities granted to them by the Watcher.

I have decided to begin posting new story chapters on here with an image (sometimes fitting, sometimes just atmospheric). The first one will be up midday (UTC+1) on the 16th of March (also known to some as: tomorrow).

Ad campaign:
I've started a $50 ad-campaign on RoyalRoad to hopefully give FoM a slight nudge towards the top 10 of Rising Stars (ALL), which is how a story really breaks through on RR. I really don't have my hopes out for a book-deal with FoM, given it would be very hard for any publisher, even Shadow Alley Press or Aethon Books to wanna publish in its current state. My hope, however, is that getting to the top of the Rising Stars will bring in more patrons and enable me to hand out more content to you beautiful-and-generous folks.

Currently, the CTR (click-through rate, basically "click per view") on the campaign is 0.88% which is not bad at all. I have a friend who has gone as high as 2.00%, but their book was also a bit less niche. All-in-all, it seems like a pretty affordable way to get eyes on your story, as the CPM (cost-per-mille, read: "cost per 1k views") is really low and the CTR is really high compared to something like amazon or twitter.

Real-world stuff:
Actually got fired from my job the 14th, lol, which was kind of a bummer, but the employer also isn't great. I was already shopping around for a job with better pay and hours, since I currently (and for the next 3 months until my contract ends) work 20hrs at near-minimum wage in Denmark, at a job that is quite brutal on both body and soul... selling skincare XD

I'm going on a long-awaited vacation to Japan at the start of April, which will be awesome. As you may or may not know, I lived in Japan for half a year back in 2018, and it was honestly one of the best times in my life. Unfortunately, I will only be there for 10 days this time around, but I'm thinking of moving there for a few months at some point, when this writing really takes off ;p (That's right, I'm planning on it! No what-if!)

Also, in case you're worried, my vacation won't affect my posting schedule on here. I've got all that stuff sorted ;p

Future plans:
I really want to setup a discord, but it won't be until I'm back on the 16th of April (at least). I also need to ask some mates for help on how to set it up properly, such that, when it's open for you folk, it won't be all janky and weird ^-^'

I've attached the image files for past-and-current tier badges, as well as the edited and unedited version of the ad image above:

Hope y'all have a great week thus far. And don't feel weird about hitting me up in the messages tab, I always read everything you guys send my way and I'm 100% open to feedback on Patreon and my delivery method of getting the chapters and what-not to you.

- Dosei (土星) -



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